Foreclosure purchases can be very lucrative, but it takes a lot of time, effort, and risk to obtain these properties, For most people, buying traditional real estate with a reputable Realtor is a much better choice. After reading through the information on this site, if you make the wise decision to proceed with a standard real estate purchase, please start your search here:
I purchased my first REO property in 2008, my first judicial foreclosure in 2014, and my first county tax auction property in 2014. These were great deals, BUT... to obtain those properties I spent a lot of time researching, getting out-bid, and seeing similar properties going for market value or above. For each property that I won at auction, I've bid on countless others. It took me years to gather all of this insight, and I'm sharing it with you for free because although searching for a foreclosure deal can be fun, exciting, and lucrative, it often isn't and it always comes with risk. If you'd like to work with me on a traditional real estate purchase or sale, please start here:
If you want to pursue a bank-owned purchase, please start here:
If, after checking out the judicial foreclosure calendar here, you would like to hire me as your Realtor to guide you through the purchase, please contact me here to discuss:
And finally - did you successfully win a foreclosure? Congratulations! When you've got it flipped and are ready to list, please call me. I'd love to be your listing Realtor!
R(B) 23930
LUVA Real Estate
75-240 Nani Kailua Dr. #8
Kailua Kona, HI 96740
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