14-3455 Tutu Lane, Pahoa, HI, 96778 - Foreclosure Notice

 From Hawaii Tribune Herald 2-2-25: 

Notice #: 0001482779-01

NOTICE OF COMMISSIONER’S SALE BY AUCTION Pursuant to the Findings of Fact, Conclusions of Law and Order Granting Plaintiff’s Motion for Summary Judgment against all Defendants and for Interlocutory Decree of Foreclosure filed in the below- named court action, the undersigned Commissioner will sell the following real property at public auction at the date, time and place set forth below. COURT ACTION: FREEDOM MORTGAGE CORPORATION vs. ANDREW STONE, et al. Circuit Court Hilo Civil No. 3CCV-24-214 (Foreclosure), Third Circuit Court, State of Hawaii. PROPERTY DESCRIPTION: Tax Map Key No. (3) 1-4-048-063, 14-3455 Tutu Lane, Pahoa, HI, 96778 Single Family Residence, 3 bedrooms, 2.5 bathrooms, Lot .1846 acres. LOCATION/DIRECTIONS: 14-3455 Tutu Lane, Pahoa, HI, 96778 From Hilo: Take Hawaii Belt Road (HI-11), Turn Left onto HI-130/ Keaau-Pahoa Bypass Rd., at the traffic circle, continue straight onto Keaau-Pahoa Rd., at the next traffic circle, continue straight onto Pahoa Bypass Rd., Turn Left onto HI-132/ Pahoa Village Rd., Turn Left onto Nanawale Blvd., Turn Right onto Flower Rd., Turn Left onto Tutu Ln., Destination is on the Left. OPEN HOUSES: Friday, February 7, 2025 and Friday, February 14, 2025, 12:00 p.m. to 2:00 p.m. DATE AND LOCATION OF AUCTION: Tuesday, March 4, 2025 at 12:00 p.m. Entrance of the Judiciary Complex/ Hale Kaulike Building, at 777 Kilauea Ave., Hilo, HI 96720 TERMS OF SALE: Property to be sold “as is” to the highest bidder by the court appointed commissioner at a public auction. No upset price, but any sale is subject to court confirmation. SALE IS NOT FINAL UNTIL APPROVED AND CONFIRMED BY THE COURT IN A COURT ORDER. Deposit of ten percent (10%) of the amount of the bid price in cash, cashier’s check or certified check is due at close of bidding. Bidders not authorized by the court must show proof to the Commissioner of their ability to pay the required deposit prior to bidding. Balance of bid price is due upon court approval and confirmation of sale. If the balance is not paid to Commissioner upon approval and confirmation of sale, the ten percent (10%) deposit may be forfeited. Purchaser shall pay all costs of conveyance, including escrow documents, conveyance tax, recording fees, etc., and shall be responsible for securing possession of the property and all costs incident thereto. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION: Contact IVAN L. VAN LEER, Commissioner, P.O. Box 1297, Pahoa, Hawaii 96778, Tel No. (808)-965-0270; email ivanvanleer@yahoo.com. (HTH1482779 2/02, 2/09, 2/16/25)

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Kyra Bronson R(B) 23930

LUVA Real Estate

15-362 Mamo Street, Pahoa, Hawaii 96778 - Foreclosure Notice

 From Hawaii Tribune Herald 1-31-25:

Notice #: 0001482638-01

NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE COURT ACTION: U.S. Bank National Association, As Trustee For Structured Asset Securities Corporation Mortgage Pass-Through Certificates, Series 2006-BC4 vs. Francine Mary Silva; State of Hawaii – Department Of Taxation, et al., Civil No. 3CCV-24-0000010 (Foreclosure) DESCRIPTION: Lot: 12,040 square feet House: 1,072 square foot house, 3 bedrooms, 2 full bathrooms LOCATION: 15-362 Mamo Street, Pahoa, Hawaii 96778 TAX MAP KEY: (3) 1-5-083-002-0000 ZONING: A-1a (Agricultural District, minimum building site of 1 acre) OPEN HOUSE: Date: Saturday, February 15, 2025 Time: 11:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. Date: Sunday, February 16, 2025 Time: 11:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. AUCTION DATE: Date: Monday, March 3, 2025 Time: 12:00 noon Place: Front Entrance to Hale Kaulike 777 Kilauea Avenue, Hilo, Hawaii TERMS OF SALE: The Commissioner shall sell the Property at a public or private sale. In the event the Property is sold at public auction, there shall be no upset price at the sale and the Property shall be sold “as is”, without any representations or warranties as to title or possession. Upon fall of the hammer, the successful bidder shall pay a down payment to the Commissioner, by certified check, in an amount not less than ten percent (10%) of the successful bid price, with the exception of Plaintiff, who may use the amount of its secured indebtedness as the required ten percent (10%) down payment. The balance shall be paid concurrently with delivery of the documents transferring title. Plaintiff or its designee is authorized to be a purchaser at any sale, without the requirement of any down payment at said sale. If Plaintiff is the highest bidder, payment of the down payment and the balance of the sale price shall be made by offset against the amount owed to Plaintiff under the Loan Documents. At the Court’s discretion, ten percent (10%) of the purchase price may be forfeited as reasonable damages in full or in part if the Purchaser fails to close within the time set forth by the Court. In no event shall reasonable damages be greater than 10% of the purchase price. The Purchaser shall pay closing costs, including but not limited to costs of escrow fees, title insurance premiums, conveyance document preparation fees, prorated real property and conveyance tax, recordation and costs of securing possession after closing. The inability of the Purchaser to secure title insurance or financing shall not be a condition of closing. The sale shall not be final until approved by the Circuit Court of the Third Circuit, State of Hawaii. FOR MORE INFORMATION: Dwayne S. Lerma, Commissioner P. O. Box 130 Keaau, Hawaii 96749 Telephone No.: (808) 961-4484 (HTH1482638 1/31, 2/07, 2/14/25)

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Kyra Bronson R(B) 23930

LUVA Real Estate

229 Maika’i St., Hilo, Hawai’i - Foreclosure Notice

 From Hawaii Tribune Herald 1-31-25:

Notice #: 0001482618-01

NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE COURT ACTION: CIVIL NO. 3CCV-24-0000216, BIG ISLAND FCU vs. ALLAN JOSE, ANNE JOSE, MORTGAGE ELECTRONIC REGISTRATION SYSTEMS, INC. et al., Circuit Court of the Third Circuit, State of Hawai’i. PROPERTY DESCRIPTION: 1. All that certain parcel of land situate in the District of South Hilo, County and State of Hawai’i, further identified by Tax Map Key No. (3) 2-4-010-145. 2. Street Address: 229 Maika’i St., Hilo, Hawai’i 3. Property Class: Residential 4. Improvements: 2,664 square foot residence; 4-bedroom; 3-bath; built in 2015 OPEN HOUSES: Sunday, February 2, 2025, 9:30 a.m. 11:30 a.m. Saturday, February 8, 2025, 9:30 a.m. 11:30 a.m. DATE, TIME&LOCATION OF SALE: Friday, March 14, 2025, 12:00 p.m. Front entrance of Hale Kaulike (State Judiciary Building), 777 Kilauea Avenue, Hilo, Hawai’i. TERMS OF SALE: The property will be sold “as is” to the highest bidder at public auction with no upset bidder is required to make a down payment, via cash, certified check, or cashier’s check, at the time of the bid, in an amount equal to ten percent (10%) of the bid price. The balance of the purchase price shall be paid by way of cash, certified or cashier’s check to the Commissioner upon approval and confirmation of the sale by the Circuit Court of the Third Circuit and tender of the document transferring title. The buyer(s) shall be responsible for paying the costs of conveyancing, including escrow fees, preparing documents, recordation, conveyance tax, and securing possession of the property. For further information, contact Shaunda A. K. Liu, Esq., Commissioner, at liu.law.hilo@gmail.com, (808) 747-4264 or Law Office of Shaunda A. K. Liu, LLLC, P.O. Box 5841, Hilo, Hawaii 96720. *The information contained herein has been obtained from sources the Commissioner believes to be reliable. It is the sole responsibility of all prospective bidders to conduct an independent investigation of the property prior to bidding. (HTH1482618 1/31, 2/07, 2/14/25)

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Kyra Bronson R(B) 23930

LUVA Real Estate

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